At Hopton School House we aim to provide your child with a safe and fun environment where they can learn through play and socialise with their peers and suitable adults outside their family circle.

We work within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) first published September 2021, revised July 2021. To see the full document and the parents guide please use the links below.


We undertake to comply with all legal requirements regarding the welfare of your child/children as well as to fulfil our vision statement below.



1. All children and parents / carers are welcome at Hopton School House and Out of School Club and are supported appropriately to ensure a smooth transition.

2. Practitioners encourage a love of learning by supporting children's interests and learning styles in a stimulating environment. 

3. Learning and exploring is a collaborative experience which is shared between; the child, parents, and practitioners in the setting and at home.

4. Staff are passionate about the positive impact of good quality early years and are supported to develop their knowledge and skills through regular professional development opportunities.

5. Children are ready and equipped with skills for the next stage of their learning journey into school.  


Our Values 

We base our values on the 'Fruits of the Spirit' Galations 5 v22

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control


We Value:

1. Looking for the good in others and experiencing joy in the world around us

2. Contentment and being patient when required

3. Being kind to one another, loyal and trustworthy 

4. Non-threatening behaviour and taking pride in behaving well

5. Our environment and taking care of the world around us to ensure a sustainable future.



Planning in the Moment.

A different approach to providing Early Years Care and Education. 

See link below to find out more: